Dr. Paul Farmer, a medical anthropologist who helped found Partners in Health worked to provide treatment in “clinical deserts.” via Partners in Health

Like so many others across the globe, the news of the sudden passing of Dr. Paul Farmer was met with profound sadness and shock. Yet, he was truly a giant for compassion, kindness, and fairness.

I was fortunate to have met him many years ago and then had the opportunity to visit Haiti and the Hospital University in Mirebalais, where his vision helped championed its creation following the devastating earthquake in 2010. He worked tirelessly for the poor and disadvantaged of our land. He never wavered in his belief that healthcare is a fundamental human right for all people while at the same time recognizing the need to address the social challenges that contribute to health inequities.

Dr. Farmer talks with medical staff and students at Koidu Government Hospital in Kono District, Sierra Leone. Photos by John Ra / via Partners In Health

The TramutoPorter Foundation and Health eVillages extend condolences to his wife and children. In addition, we join hands with millions and millions of people across the globe to recognize how better our world is because of the incredible courage and commitment of Dr. Paul Farmer. He was indeed a Compassionate Leader for all seasons!

~Donato Tramuto